Unlock our Exclusive Payment Plan for Fall 2024!

Split the total program cost into 13 manageable monthly installments.
Fall 2024 in Poland & Italy

The Adventure that Will Strengthen You to Respond Generously to God’s Call

Join the John Paul II International Fellowship Program that Will Form You Spiritually, Intellectually, and In Your Humanity.

13 Weeks

6 Courses

16 Credits



Service Week

Welcome to The John Paul II Project’s capstone program. Our International Fellowship is our fullest formation experience that prepares students to respond generously to their vocations, with enhanced academics delivered by top-notch faculty who will dive deep into the truth about God and the human person in history, theology, ethics, psychology, and the arts. 

The discovery extends beyond the classroom as learning is intentionally integrated with cultural activities and the spiritual life. The story and thoughts of St. John Paul II are our guiding stars in this journey. From Poland to Italy, students engage with the arts in churches, museums, and castles, encounter the saints on pilgrimage, dialogue with locals and thought-leaders, and embark on adventures in the great outdoors. The semester is grounded in a strong community life where students mature in life skills, friendship, and virtue through communal work, prayer, and fellowship. 

Students are invited to courageously open wide their hearts to Christ and embrace the challenge required for deep transformation.

Embark on a Journey of Learning and Spiritual Growth

✥ Courses

Courses are done in one three-week module, where students can intensely focus on one subject at a time. We’ve partnered with local scholars and institutions in Krakow, brought in experts from the USA and Europe, and will bring our students to Rome, Italy, for a week-long journey in the heart of the Church.

✥ Embark on Adventures

After each course, experience weekends that tie together classroom content, the particular richness of the location, and the adventure of the spiritual life. From retreats in nature to pilgrimages in historic cities, enrich your educational journey with hands-on experiences.

✥ Cultural Encounters

Experience the living culture of Poland by meeting local Polish families and encountering the performing arts. Dialogue with Europeans dedicated to building a culture of love and truth and bringing what you learn back home.

✥ Exploration

There are free weekends for students to explore greater Krakow, Poland, or broader Europe independently.

✥ Orientation

Begin your summer term with a week of human formation. Explore Polish faith and the culture that shaped Saint John Paul II. This foundation sets the tone for academic, spiritual, and personal growth throughout your journey.

✥ Embrace the Challenge

Disconnect digitally for profound in-person connections during the introductory week, retreats, and communal meals. The "device-free mode" fosters more profound connections with your peers and helps you to be more present.

✥ Accompaniment

Benefit from regular one-on-one mentorship provided by on-site directors to support your personal growth and development. These personalized guidance sessions are your compass to discern God's call to your life.

✥ Service

Students can roll up their sleeves and live out the Gospel call to radical service. Each semester will have a unique form of service. Examples are running a weekend camp for Ukrainian refugee children living in Krakow, preparing activities and formative talks for English-speaking teens, manual labor to beautify religious properties, or sorting items in a warehouse for the poor.

✥ Spiritual Life

Deepening your relationship with Jesus through an interior life. Every day starts with prayer, and every week is marked by communal Holy Hour and private Mass. Discovering the saints’ consecration to Our Lady is woven throughout the semester.








Courses Descriptions

Fall 2024

John Paul II International Fellowship

“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth;
and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth...” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

PSYC | John Paul II’s Theology of the Body

The objective of this course is to illuminate the spousal meaning of the body as Christ reveals it. In his texts, John Paul II elucidates the spousal meaning of the body through a reflection on three panels of a triptych: the first, an appeal to the “beginning” of the human person, consisting of three original experiences (unity, solitude, and nakedness) and the dimension of the gift, and an eschatological vision of the virginal state when man and woman “neither marry nor are given in marriage” (Mt. 22:30); the second, an appeal to the human heart through an analysis of desire, concupiscence, shame, and the purity of heart; and the third, an appeal to the “end” of the human person and the Resurrection of the Body and the Kingdom of Heaven. Lastly, the course will reflect on the sacrament of marriage, the great mystery of the union of Christ and the Church, and conjugal spirituality.

Professor: Robert Mixa

PSYC | Personalist Psychology of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II

The objective of this course is to consider the foundations of a personalist psychology within the thought of Karol Wojtyła/Pope John Paul II. Wojtyła’s Catholic anthropology is pondered in conversation with the enduring questions within psychology. Wojtyła’s theological, philosophical, and dramatic writings are analyzed for themes regarding human nature, human motivation, human development, and human personality. Wojtyła’s contributions are considered a potential unifying paradigm within the fragmented field of contemporary psychology. Furthermore, students will have a better understanding of the relevance of Wojtyła’s teachings to our current social, educational, and cultural challenges. This course offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich fabric of human psychology through the lens of this profound thinker and most outstanding spiritual leader of our times.

Professor: Keith A. Houde, Ph.D.

PHIL | Ethics for Contemporary Issues

The objective of this course is to explore John Paul II’s ethics, which established a distinctive system of Personalism, notable in philosophy for its emphasis on the human person and its critical engagement with social issues confronting humanity. Through his teachings, we will uncover a method for addressing many pressing social issues that modern men and women face, encompassing business ethics, society, and politics. Students will delve into topics like morality, responsibility, the contemporary family, business ethics, the concept of “the common good,” solidarity, freedom, moral dilemmas, Just War Theory, the issue of evil, forgiveness, and personhood. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to study and discuss a selection of Wojtyła’s renowned texts alongside works by other prominent ethicists.

Professor: Prof. dr. hab. Władysław Zuziak

HIST | 20th Century Central European History

The objective of this course is to explore the enduring influence of Catholicism on public life in Central Europe, tracing the region’s 20th-century history from the collapse of the Habsburg Empire in 1918 to the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Focusing on nations like Poland, [former] Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Ukraine, we delve into the interplay between fascism, communism, and the Catholic Church against a backdrop of increasing secularization, culminating at the Second Vatican Council. Through key figures like Blessed Emperor Karl, Václav Havel, and Pope John Paul II, we examine the political and religious transformations of Central Europe. Students will analyze primary sources, visit historical sites like Auschwitz, and gain familiarity with modern Central European history, the role of Catholicism, and contemporary academic historiography.

Professor: Samuel Trizuljak

ART/COM/THEO | Truth & Beauty in the Eternal City

The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the progression of Christianity in Rome, beginning in the first century AD into modern times. We will look at evangelization in different periods of Church history and focus on various types and periods of art and architecture, especially at some of the giants of art, architecture, and Church history, who played a significant role in spreading the faith to the ends of the earth and in creating awe-inspiring marvels of Rome. We emphasize individual art pieces, churches, and monuments and their symbolic and liturgical meaning. All lectures involve hands-on learning in the streets of Rome. This course welcomes university students with a desire to explore the rich history and wonders of the city at the heart of our Catholic faith, expanding their knowledge of the classical, historical, and archeological aspects of the Eternal City.

Professors: John & Ashley Noronha

our spiritual growth challenge

Are You Prepared?

“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

5 Reasons NOT to Come…

#1 You need to use a pen.

With the rise of AI, developing the capacity to think for yourself is more important now than ever. Oral exams, presentations, and in-class essays await you in tech-free classrooms. Experiencing the culture is part of international fellowship, but you’ll have to do real intellectual work, too. 

#2 Your Instagram will suffer.

We emphasize minimal digital connection for maximum personal engagement — with God and others. With some experiences, such as retreats, meal time, and orientation days being device-free, you might miss “capturing” some beautiful experiences because you’re simply too busy living them. 

#3 You’ll need to welcome risk.

Signing up for this program means you’re signing up for an adventure. While you’re expected to be an adult and take responsibility for your own needs and your attitude, you will not always be in control of what’s going on. You must be willing to surrender control and step into the unknown.

#4 There’s no customer service.

You’re not a customer, you’re a saint in the making. And you won’t be able to solve your problems by messaging a chatbot. Whether it’s a misunderstanding with a roommate or a struggle with the program, you’re expected to deal with issues as they arise face-to-face with the people involved.

#5 It’s hard and uncomfortable.

Community breakfast starts at 7:00 a.m. with a morning offering, and sometimes, you’ll be on breakfast duty to prepare it. With sharing living quarters with roommates and household chores, things are imperfect and go off-schedule. Expect the messiness of family life and the challenge to virtue.

I'll ask again... Are You Ready?


Fall 2024 John Paul II International Fellowship

“Learning to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

Orientation sessions, the initial discovery of Krakow, including Wawel Castle and the Salt Mines, a Pilgrimage Day to John Paul II’s hometown and sanctuary, and a 1-credit Media Analysis Workshop.

  • Weekend 1 (Saturday, September 21st – Sunday, September 22nd): Our Lady of Czestochowa
    Make a pilgrimage day trip to the Marian Shrine of Czestochowa on Saturday and enjoy time for leisure and recreation on Sunday.

Learn the philosophical anthropology and ethics that Wojtła taught as a university professor in Lublin. Classes every morning with afternoons free for study.

  • Weekend 2 (Friday, September 27th – Sunday, September 29th): Tatra Mountain Outdoor Retreat
    Do what Karol Wojtyła did with young people: hike, kayak, celebrate the sacraments, discuss the faith, and enjoy fellowship in his beloved Tatra Mountains.

Continue to analyze the pre-modern, modern, and contemporary philosophies that led to Wojtlya’s rich and fuller understanding of the human person and morality. Classes every morning with afternoons free for study.

  • Weekend 3 (Friday, October 4th- Sunday, October 6th): Free Weekend
    Take Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to relax, discover more of Krakow, take a day trip to a nearby Polish city, or play some sports. We leave on Sunday for Lublin!

Begin to unpack the theology of spreading the Gospel while exploring the city where Karol Wojtyla lived as a university professor. Classes every morning with afternoons free for study.

  • Weekend 4 (Friday, October 11th – Sunday, October 13th): Warsaw Educational Pilgrimage
    Immerse yourself in the culture with host families, tour dynamic museums, and pray with influential 20th-century saints like St. Maximillian Kolbe and Bl—Jerzy Popiełuszko in the nation’s capital city.

Confront what battles Christians face today, how they arose, and thus, how to fruitfully build the civilization of love and truth.

  • Weekend 5 (Friday, October 18th – Sunday, October 20th): Service Weekend 1: Dzień Papieski “Papal Day” 
    Poland celebrates the week John Paul II was elected to the Papacy! You help make it happen for children and families at the JP2 Sanctuary.
    After celebrations on Sunday, Monday is a free day with no classes!

Arrive in Rome on John Paul II’s Feast Day!
As a newly ordained priest, JP2 was sent to “learn Rome,” which would later become his home for 26 years as the Holy Roman Pontiff. Study the heart of the Church where theology, metaphysics, scripture, liturgy, and history intersect through the expressive art and architecture of the city overflowing with saints, ancient and new.
Classes are spent touring the city in morning and afternoon sessions, with occasional class lectures on the more complex topics.
Sunday is a Discovery Day to explore Rome on your own, take a day trip to Assisi, or spend time resting and leisurely to digest all you are experiencing

Fall break begins on Tuesday. Stay in Italy longer or travel more of Europe.

Study the History of the 20th century in Europe, focusing on the tragic and epic events that played out in Poland. Classes every morning with afternoons free for study.
A study trip to the Auschwitz Museum is included.

  • Weekend 8 (Friday, November 8th – Sunday, November 10th): Free Weekend
    Relax or discover more of Krakow, take a day trip to a nearby Polish city, play sports, or travel to a neighboring country.

Continue the academic pursuit of critical events, ideologies, and enemies and heroes caught up in the drama of World World II and the battle of communism. Classes every morning with afternoons free for study.

  • Weekend 9 (Friday,  November 15th – Sunday, November 17th): Free Weekend
    Relax or discover more of Krakow, take a day trip to a nearby Polish city, play sports, or travel to a neighboring country.

Dive deep into John Paul II’s theological anthropology that lays the foundation of his paramount teaching on marriage, family, and sexuality in this course, with classes in the mornings and afternoons free for study and preparation for service activities.

  • Weekend 10 (Friday, November 22nd –  Sunday, November 24th): Ignatian Silent Retreat
    After weeks of intense study and travel and before a period of intense self-giving during the end of the classes and service, be renewed in God’s love by participating in a centuries-old tradition of silent retreat.

Study the theories and language of psychological phenomena related to gender, romantic attraction, and family relations in pursuit of the truth. Classes are in the morning, study in the afternoon, and begin training for the service weekend in the evenings.
Visit the city to discover the context in which John Paul II’s teaching on human love developed.

  • Weekend 11 (Thursday, November 28th – Sunday, December 1st): Thanksgiving Weekend 
    One fall semester, a small group of only 6 JP2 Project students hosted a Thanksgiving dinner, bringing nearly 50 people together, from locals to other international students. Let’s keep the tradition alive with the opportunity to live Christian hospitality to the max, with some good ‘ol American home cooking!
    While the other students in Poland have classes on Friday, we’re letting this weekend start early.

Take all that you have learned about John Paul II’s paramount teachings on the person and ponder how these apply to today’s hot issues from a psychological perspective.
During the day, have time for classes and study while taking some evenings to plan and organize the service weekend with your classmates.

  • Weekend 12 (Saturday, December 7 – Sunday, December 8): Service Weekend 2: Winter Camp for Children
    You’ll be running a Winter Camp Weekend on Saturday and Sunday, a mini-version of our English Immersion Summer Camp, which has been enriching the lives of Ukrainian refugee children and their families for the past two years. Whether you’re a team leader with a small group or running the camp’s sports, you’ll be giving Jesus to these kids as you give intensely of yourself.

From cleaning the residence to spending a farewell day in the city to closing in prayer and reflection, these few days allow you to properly end a beautiful semester and gear up to bring those graces back home.


for the first 10 Enrolled Students

The first 10 students to enroll (paying the down payment; no matter for which offer), once we open the enrollment period on Thursday, December 14th, 2023, at 1 p.m. EST, will:

Get a 10% discount on your Summer 2024 John Paul II International Fellowship in Poland.

A "Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II" book, signed by the author, George Weigel.

A special gift (surprise) when you are in Poland.

Understand how our International Fellowship admission process works

The future starts today, not tomorrow.” (Pope Saint John Paul II)

Your Journey Begins Here

Do not procrastinate! Apply today!

A response from Our Team

After you apply, staff will diligently review your application within 48 hours, informing you if you were accepted into our 2024 Fall Study Abroad Program in Kraków. Acceptance means you're all set for the crucial step of enrollment.

Securing Your Spot

Community building is fundamental to our study abroad program, leading us to welcome a limited number of students each term. Therefore, once accepted, ensure your place by making your down payment during the designated enrollment period. (Learn more about the enrollment procedures below.)

Application & Enrollment Procedures

1. Submit Your Application Online. Be prepared with:

  • Two references and their contact details.
  • Your physician’s name and contact details.
  • A personal statement (200-400 words) explaining your motivation to join the program.
2. We take up to 48 hours for a thorough review. Expect a call if we have questions!

3. We will email you with detailed next steps upon acceptance.

4. You will be able to enroll once you receive your acceptance email.

5. We’re here to provide information, advice, encouragement, and prayers throughout your preparation. Do not be afraid to ask!


Introducing Our Unprecedented Payment Plan for Fall 2024!

Are you dreaming of studying abroad but concerned about the cost? We’ve got you covered! With our exclusive payment plan, you can split the total program cost into 13 manageable monthly installments. That’s right, a small down payment plus 12 equal monthly payments – making your dreams within reach!

13-Week Program

A down payment of $897, followed by 12 monthly installments, each also in the amount of


Total cost: $11,661

JP2 Project's Exclusive Refer-a-Friend Program

The More You Refer, The More You $ave!

Maximize Your Savings While Sharing the Experience!


Meet the Fall 2024 John Paul II International Fellowship Faculty

... and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn 8:32)

Corinne MacDonald, M.A.

The John Paul II Project, Kraków, Poland

Corinne MacDonald, an Ave Maria University alumna, sparked her passion for her academic journey by earning a BS in Biology in 2008. She then received a Licentiate in Institutional Communications at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, where she lived for five years. After marrying Joe in 2014, they spent two years in Florida, where Corinne was pivotal in Ave Maria University’s Mother Teresa Project. In 2017, the MacDonalds founded the John Paul II Project in Kraków, where Corinne currently serves as the Director of Programs and teaches a course on modern media perceptions.

Keith A. Houde, Ph.D.

Ave Maria University, Florida, USA

Dr. Keith A. Houde, a Psychology Professor at Ave Maria University, delves into the intersection of psychology and theology. His expertise lies in theological anthropology and philosophical psychology, with a particular focus on emphasizing the psychological thought of John Paul II. Co-author of “History and Systems of Psychology (7th ed.),” Dr. Houde’s engaging lectures on The Personalist Psychology of John Paul II are a staple in the JP2 Project summer program. Students appreciate his unique blend of psychology and theology, making complex concepts accessible.

Prof. dr. hab. Władysław Zuziak

The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland

Prof. Władysław Zuziak, a distinguished figure in ethics and former Rector at The Pontifical University of John Paul II, has a legacy in academia. As former Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, his leadership and guidance have been instrumental. Beyond academia, he has contributed to international boards and supervised over 100 successful student dissertations. Students respect his wealth of experience and appreciate the wisdom he imparts as a Professor and Catholic priest.

Samuel Trizuljak, MS

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Samuel Trizuljak, an alumnus of esteemed institutions like Cambridge and Oxford, has nurtured a profound understanding of Catholic thought. His journey led him to Charles University in Prague for his PhD, where he delved deeper into this historical realm. His dual roles as a lecturer and speechwriter showcase his versatility. His recently published book, “At Height to Depth: 33 Advice to Faithful Students,” is a testament to his commitment to student growth. Students value his engaging lectures and practical experiences.

John Noronha, MS, MA

The Truth & Beauty Project, Rome, Italy

John Noronha, a passionate engineer turned educator, blends art, theology, and technology into students’ lives. Teaching at Rome’s prestigious universities, he brings a diverse background with Master’s degrees in Engineering, Theology, and Philosophy. His transition from a corporate tech career to academia reflects his deep passion for Philosophy and Theology. John’s consultancy role for the Vatican, including the Papal Reform Commission, highlights his commitment to driving meaningful change. Students find his teachings inspiring and relevant in today’s ever-evolving world.

Ashley Noronha, MT, STL

The Truth & Beauty Project, Rome, Italy​

Ashley Noronha has been the Rome Correspondent for Relevant Radio Network since 2012. Her career spans television, commercials, voice-over narration, and hosting “Voice of the Vatican.” She notably served as a Vatican Official under Popes Benedict XVI and Francis. Since 2013, she has been a professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, where she created and taught the globally recognized course “Media Training for Priests.” She is passionate about aiding organizations worldwide in Conflict Resolution, Crisis Communications, Public Speaking, and Media Training

Robert Mixa

The Spe Salvi Institute, Kraków, Poland

Robert Mixa, the Executive Director and Founder of the Spe Salvi Institute, is also a history teacher based in Kraków, Poland. His journey began as a fellow at the Word on Fire Institute, where his passion for Catholic thought was ignited. He pursued a BA in philosophy at Saint Louis University. He later earned an MTS in biotechnology and ethics from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of America. Living near Kraków with his wife, Mixa continues to be deeply committed to exploring and sharing his profound understanding of Catholic philosophy and ethics with his students and the wider community.

Students attend classes at The Pontifical University of John Paul II, located adjacent to the historic Wawel Castle and Cathedral in the heart of Kraków.

What Our Students Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about our John Paul II International Fellowship? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please contact us.

When do I arrive and depart?
Students should arrive in Kraków on Sunday, September 15th, 2024, and depart on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024.
No. The full 13-week program is 89 days long. US citizens may typically visit the European Union for up to 90 days (within 180 days) without a visa. This is important to bear in mind when making your arrival and departure travel plans to the EU. However, if you would like to stay in the EU for more than 90 days, please contact our team so they can help advise you on how best to do this.

Just about everything! 

  • Rent and utilities at the JP2 Center.
  • Lodging for retreats, pilgrimages, and courses held outside of Krakow.
  • Meals (excluding discovery days).
  • Coffee and tea at the residence.
  • Orientation materials.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Airport transportation upon arrival and departure.
  • All ground transportation in Kraków and other locations of pilgrimage or retreats that are part of the program.
  • Flights from Krakow to Rome
  • Tickets and tour fees for the local cultural experiences, pilgrimages, and excursions that are part of the program.
  • Printing services for academic and travel purposes.
  • Access to a washing machine and laundry detergent.
  • Basic cleaning supplies and toilet paper.
  • Tuition for all classes.
  • Book rentals.
  • Your international flight to Kraków, Poland.
  • Personal expenses such as souvenirs and entertainment.
  • Meals during your Discovery Days.
  • Your flight back to Krakow after Fall break from your destination of choice.

Yes! Some free weekends allow students to explore greater Kraków, Poland, or broader Europe independently. Note that the free weekends typically begin around 1:00 p.m. on Friday.

Discovery Days consist of free weekends, one day in Warsaw, one day in Rome, and a Fall break.  We build in this free time for you to explore and discover the cultural and spiritual riches of the places we are visiting. As such, meals or travel during this time are the student’s responsibility.

You may stay at the residence during free weekends, but all meals, starting Friday evening, will be on your own. Remember that there are kitchenettes in the suites where you can cook your own budget meals!

  • Fall break is Tuesday, October 29th, through Sunday, November 4th (after our time in Rome).
  • You are highly encouraged to travel during this break.
  • All costs for your travel during this break are on your own, including your travel back to Krakow. 
  • You may stay at the residence during the break, but all meals and transportation will be on your own.

Yes, you can receive credits for the classes you take in Kraków. Most of our alumni successfully received credits from their home universities, ranging from state schools, non-religious affiliated private schools, and diversely religious-affiliated private schools. This decision depends ultimately on your home university. 

It is the student’s responsibility to secure the transfer of credits with the academic department of their home university. We encourage you to discuss with your academic advisor in advance how the courses abroad fit into your academic plan. The JP2 Project team will work with you, your academic dean, the registrar, and the financial aid department regarding the transfer of credits and potential application for federal and private aid for your semester abroad.

Upon completing your courses, you may receive an official transcript from the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków. 

The JP2 Project team is experienced in collaborating with students from diverse majors to see how their courses abroad may fit into their academic plans. Ask us how!

It is possible for individuals who do not need academic credit for the courses to participate in our summer study abroad program. These may be students who are currently studying at a university, those who have yet to begin their university studies, or those who have already graduated from a university. Acceptance of these individuals is examined on a case-by-case basis. These individuals participate as “enrichment students” and must commit to doing all of the required coursework, which facilitates learning. These students may be omitted from the final exams. Those wishing to receive a certificate of completion for the courses taken must complete the final exams.

The JP2 Project accepts scholarships that students receive from various sources that can be applied to their study abroad semester. We are actively building a scholarship fund to support students in need. If you would like to apply to be a candidate for our scholarship campaign, ask us how.

The JP2 Project team strongly encourages our students to pursue fundraising to pay for their study abroad program. From writing letters to friends and family to selling their works of art, many of our alumni have successfully fundraised more than their complete study abroad costs to participate in our programs. Be not afraid! Ask us how!

Additionally, we’ve introduced a flexible payment plan to support further students facing financial challenges. This plan allows students to divide the program’s cost into 13 manageable monthly installments.

Depending on the type of financial aid you receive at your home institution, your existing financial aid may also be used for studying abroad, or you may apply for additional financial aid.

First, existing grants or scholarships typically apply to your academic year (fall and spring). In general, the grant or scholarship provider determines the application for private grants or institutional scholarships. In other words, if you receive a scholarship directly from your home university, then it is up to your home university to decide if they will let you use those funds to pay for a study abroad program that you would do instead of taking courses at your home institution. These cases are rare, but it is worth asking, as some students in the past have successfully been able to use their institutional scholarships and private grants to study abroad with us.

To apply for federal aid to a study abroad program, your home university must accept the courses you will take abroad as for-credit courses to further your degree. This means the courses abroad should count for credit, at least as general electives. In this case of receiving credit, your university must apply your existing federal aid package towards your fall or spring study abroad program.

The JP2 Project team is experienced in working with students and the financial aid offices of their home universities in this process.

Rule Deadline Refund
More than 90 days before the start Until June 17th, 2024 100% of everything paid so far
From 89 to 60 days before the start Until July 17th, 2024 75% of everything paid so far
From 59 to 30 days before the start Until August 18th, 2024 50% of everything paid so far
Less than 30 days before the start After August 18th, 2024 No Refund

Students reside at the John Paul II ‘Be Not Afraid’ Center and Sanctuary in Kraków. Just a 10-minute walk from St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Shrine, The JP2 Center is a beautiful campus dedicated to our patron saint.

The housing at the JP2 Center are large, shared suites that can fit up to 10 people (of the same sex). So, yes, you will have roommates! Each suite has one to two full bathrooms, a small kitchenette, and a small washing machine. 

Lodging during excursions outside Kraków may vary from host families to rustic bunks and pilgrim hostels.

Yes! Accepted students will receive access to a more specific FAQ document and packing list upon receiving their first payment installment. 

Contact Us

We would love to speak with you.
Feel free to reach out using the below details.



JP2 Project’s Exclusive Refer-a-Friend Program Terms:

Earn Substantial Discounts: For each friend who mentions you as their referral on their application form and officially enrolls in our program (be accepted and pay their down payment), you’ll receive a significant 10% discount off your program fee based on their payment amount. For instance, if your friend joins the 7-week 2024 International Fellowship in Kraków at $7,761, you get a $776.10 discount. If they opt for the 13-week program at $11,661, you then enjoy a $1,166.10 reduction in your program cost.

Simple Referral Process: Ensure your friend includes your name on their application form. Once they are accepted and paid their down payment, our finance team will automatically apply the discount to your account, reducing your total cost.

The More You Refer, The More You Save: Spread the word far and wide — there’s no cap on how many friends you can bring aboard (up to our cozy limit of 30 students per program)! Each successful referral chops 10% off their program cost from your bill. Envision this: 10 friends join your chosen program, and voilà, you’re studying abroad in Poland for free!

Key Points to Remember:

Referral Integrity: 1) Refund Rule: Your discount remains valid if your referred friends maintain their enrollment and don’t request a refund. While cancellation is rare, we adjust your balance if such situations arise. 2) Fair Play Rule: If two applicants refer each other, you must decide who is referring whom. 

Extra Rewards for Overachievers: If your referrals exceed ten successful enrollments for the same program, your international fellowship will be free, and you’ll also receive any additional referral rewards as CASH! Yes, you’ve read it correctly! This extra cash is yours to enjoy during your stay in Poland. 

*** The offer is subject to change or cancellation at any time. ***

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